School health education to prevent AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.

School health education to prevent AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. = L' Education sanitaire à l' école pour la prévention du SIDA et des maladies sexuellement transmissibles = La Educación sanitaria escolar en la prevención del SIDA y de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual - Geneva : World Health Organization, 1992. - 79 p. - WHO AIDS series ; 10 .

Published by the World Health Organization in collaboration with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. ita published by Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma

Outlines the issues that need to be considered when planning school-based programmes to educate students about AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Addressed to senior educational authorities and those responsible for curriculum development, the book explains how formal education can be used to help young people learn the facts about these diseases and develop the social skills needed to protect themselves from infection. The objective is to help planners think through various educational options, anticipate problems, and make decisions with a full awareness of the sensitivity of issues involved and the likelihood of opposition. Throughout, emphasis is placed on the importance of working together with teachers, parents, and community leaders in order to develop an educational programme that has broad support. The book opens with a detailed discussion of the objectives of a school-based approach to the prevention of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. Key observations range from the need to start education at the grade level before risk behaviour begins, through the importance of combining medical information with opportunities to rehearse skills and behaviour, to the need to adapt messages to the young persons cultural setting and level of development. The main part of the book is organized around a series of 17 issues that are likely to arise during the planning, implementation and evaluation of school education programmes. Each issue is presented in terms of its importance to a successful programme, the various options available for dealing with the issue, and the strengths and weaknesses of these options. The issues addressed fall into three main groups. The first group, concerned with the planning stages, considers the purpose of education, obstacles likely to be encountered, and ways of enlisting the support of religious and other community leaders, parents, and teachers. The second group offers advice on the design of the educational programme and deals with the selection of target groups, the development and content of the curriculum, and the selection of teachers and teaching style. The final group covers the planning of an appropriate classroom environment, the uses of informal education, the training of teachers, and possible sources of continuing resistance from the community, parents, teachers, and the students themselves. Annexed to the book are a description of evaluation methods, supported by sample tests, that may be used in an educational system or individual school, and a series of sample questions that can guide the development of course content appropriate for three different age groups.

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9241210109 9607308239 (Greek) 5225019366 (Russian)

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome--prevention and control.
Sexually transmitted diseases--prevention and control.
Health education.
School health services.

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